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Danbury, CT - Tick Removal, Tick Spray Services, Deer Tick Repellent

As we head into the winter months in Connecticut, we are spending more time enjoying the outdoors and the beautiful weather. Unfortunately, the colder temperatures of the winter does not prevent the chances of being bitten by a disease carrying tick, which can cause a great deal of distress for people and pets. This post will showcase a few of the most common questions we have received, that are related to our Danbury tick spray and deer tick repellent program.

We live in a heavily wooded area of Danbury, Connecticut and we are considering hiring a tick removal service to treat our property for ticks. What are some of your most effective methods of tick spraying and how many treatments before we can start to receive significant results?

Tick and Turf of Southbury, Connecticut offers two different types of tick spray protection for our clients, an organic tick spray and a traditional tick spray program. Our organic tick spray schedule involves utilizing a personalized blend of woody oils and a sticker, and as with our traditional spray, it is dispersed to all areas of your landscape, including your flower beds and heavily wooded areas. Tick & Turf recommends an effective 3 spray program, in which a tick spray applicant is administered during the Spring, Summer, and Fall months. This will significantly decrease the chances of ticks inhabiting your property and potentially infecting your family, pets, and guests.

How many different kinds of ticks are known to inhabit the Danbury Connecticut area?

There are over 15 main species of ticks in North America. Of the many different tick species found in the area, only a specific selection of them have the capabilities to transmit disease to humans. The most common ticks located in the Fairfield, New Haven, and Litchfield County area are the American dog tick, Blacklegged tick, Brown dog tick, Lone star tick.

What Is the Best Way to Remove a Hard Tick?

The safest and most effective way to remove an attached tick is to utilize tweezers and latex gloves to dislodge and handle the tick. You should do your best to not touch the tick directly. Using your tweezers, clamp the tick as close to the skin surface as possible. This reduces the possibility of the head detaching from the body upon removal. Once you have a solid hold on the tick, try to remove it in a slow and straight-forward manner. You want to avoid using any twisting or turning motions.

Once you have removed the tick from your skin, you should then thoroughly wash the bite area with warm water and soap. It will help to use rubbing alcohol on the wound in order to eliminate any potential pathogens that may have developed and to disinfect the bite area.. It is recommended that you place the tick in a plastic air-tight bag and then flush it down the toilet.

Besides Lyme Disease, what other diseases do ticks carry?

The majority of tick bites do not lead to a disease, but if you are in a heavily wooded area, you will be prone to ticks bites and potentially exposed, so it is important to understand the early symptoms of some of the most popular tick-transmitted disease. The most common tick disease include; Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Tularemia, Ehrlichiosis, Relapsing fever, Colorado tick fever and Babesiosis.

Tick and Turf offers tick spraying, full service landscaping, spring fertilization, deer repellent, tick & weed control, landscape design & maintenance, birch leaf miner, foliage sprays, deep root spraying, core aeration and much more to the following towns and surrounding areas in Connecticut: Southbury, Farifield, Stamford, Greenwich, Darien, Westport, New Canaan, Ridgefield, Oxford, Roxbury, Brookfield, Danbury, Waterbury and beyond.

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